We are a Research and Development Consulting Firm that specializes in assisting firms in their R&D initiatives by implementing a Scientific Method product development approach. We accomplish our mandates through scientific analysis of a company’s research activities with the objective to organize R&D Intellectual Property into formats that maximize future benefits. Accounting firms use the scientific documents we generate to assist companies in claiming their R&D tax Credits.
Industries We Serve
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Chemical Process
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Mechanical Systems
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Electrical Systems
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Computer Software
[us_testimonial author=”Electronics Manufacturer:” company=”(Toronto area, Ontario)”]….practically no bottom line cost to this service….. …and the bonus is that they do all the work…..[/us_testimonial][us_testimonial author=”Publicly Traded Company:” company=”(Toronto area, Ontario)”]….very unique and interesting structure, accomplished objectives where others have been unable to succeed…. [/us_testimonial][us_testimonial author=”Food Processor:” company=”(Toronto area, Ontario)”]….Without Higrowth’s help, we would not have had the time to meet the deadlines….. thanks to their expert team… [/us_testimonial][us_testimonial author=”Materials Processor:” company=”(Montreal area, Canada)”]….the Road Map Plan is undeniably an important part…..no more guessing for the future with this comprehensive tracking service…[/us_testimonial][us_testimonial author=”Software Developer:” company=”(Montreal area, Canada)”]…on our own we spent way too much time trying to put together our documents
….they handled it from beginning to end no doubt better than we could have on our own….[/us_testimonial][us_testimonial author=”Manufacturer:” company=”(Toronto area, Canada)”]…demonstrated a deep knowledge of a Scientific Method approach…..great representation of our interests….[/us_testimonial]
….they handled it from beginning to end no doubt better than we could have on our own….[/us_testimonial][us_testimonial author=”Manufacturer:” company=”(Toronto area, Canada)”]…demonstrated a deep knowledge of a Scientific Method approach…..great representation of our interests….[/us_testimonial]

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